About Us
Letter from the CEO
Since our inception in 1998, we have strived for excellence in our workmanship, integrity in our customer relations and promptness in our service. We’ve worked painstakingly hard to build something that will last. Integrity has played a crucial role in overcoming the many challenges that we have faced throughout the years. Whatever you feed, it will grow! We just kept feeding the business and watched it grow.
It was 2015 when we started investigating into a maintenance free exterior stair system for sundecks. We attempted welding and bending of aluminum and basically just expanding ideas. I just couldn’t get one stringer to line up evenly with another. It was one quiet night, as I was pondering, that the tongue and groove step and web of the TRUSSTED STAIRS came about. Four engineers told me it couldn’t be done! However, I just knew we had something worthy. Then after the hard work with four engineers, the Trussted Stairs came out. From then until now we’ve been modifying and refining the TRUSSTED STAIR system to improve on its details and we are now ready to introduce it to you!
Striving for excellence means customer satisfaction. Satisfying customers is our eternal and unchanging business philosophy. Great Mountain are trustworthy!